Saturday 12th July, 10.30am - 11.00am

Just Imagine…

Every one of the 630 miles of the South West coast path hosting a chain of believers united in prayer and praise. Join Christians of all traditions as we stand together asking God for His Kingdom to come in the region.

Image courtesy of the National Trail

We believe God is wanting to impact the 5.6 million people who live within these Southwest counties and prayer will be key to this being possible.

Imagine this Southwest Coast Path providing the platform for an interdenominational wide prayer gathering with Christians standing together in unity at each of the 630 miles. Imagine a moment when we look out to the sea and thank God for the gospel coming to these shores and then we turn to the land and pray that God would awaken the hearts of each person who lives in the Southwest and prophetically declare ‘these bones shall live’. A moment when churches joins together and create a ring of prayer saying ‘God let your kingdom come in the southwest’. Then imagine this ring of prayer becoming a ring of praise – when across the 630 miles, trumpets, foghorns and other instruments unite together in declaring there is no one like our God.

Imagine one day, one moment when churches from all across the southwest stand together on this highly symbolic boundary. We would like to invite you to be part of this. A powerful moment when together we declare Southwest Awake!

‘This sounds great! So what’s the next step?’

Please read more details about the day and what will happen HERE and then sign up to the event on our Get Involved page HERE

We hope you can join us for what will be a powerful time together!