The South West Awake initiative is overseen by a Steering Group from a broad range of Christian denominations and organisations.

To contact the Steering Group, or if you have any questions about any aspect of the day, please click here.

The members are as follows:

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Sarah Yardley

Sarah is a Californian based in London who loves Jesus, family, friendships, coffee, travel, and guacamole. She grew up at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, served at Reality Carpinteria, and currently lives in the United Kingdom, serving with Emmaus Rd as Head of Evangelism. She loves discovering what it means to follow Jesus and inviting others to know and follow Him.

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James Grier

James was appointed the Bishop of Plymouth in July 2022, He was previously the Missioner Enabler for the Diocese of Exeter, and before that, was leading Unlimited Church in Exeter for a number of years.

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Mark Pugh

Mark is the Apostolic Lead for Rediscover Church in Exeter. During his leadership, the church has grown significantly and they are full of faith that everyone in Devon and the South West will have a clear opportunity to respond to the love of God. He has previously led Elim's national youth ministry Serious 4 God. From May 2024, he has been the General Superintendent of the Elim Pentecostal Movement.

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Luke Mansfield

Luke is Pastor of Hope Baptist Church in Plymouth. He was previously at Honiton Family Church where the congregation grew considerably. He was at Bristol Baptist College in September 2013 and before that he was a youth pastor and has also been involved with London City Mission.


Jim Ware

Jim leads the North Devon House of Prayer with his wife Mary and has done since 2011. North Devon House of Prayer is a Prayer Room and Training Centre based in Barnstaple North Devon. Jim loves to help people connect with God and experience the fullness that Jesus offers. They have a staff team, travel regularly and love to equip and encourage the body of Christ wherever they go.


Paul Friend

Paul is married to Jo and they have two boys, Zach and Charlie. He heads up an organisation called SWYM (South West Youth Ministries) which trains and supports youth workers around the region. Paul is passionate about pointing people to Jesus and talking about his beloved Liverpool Football Club.

The group are supported by Jason Ham and Shaun McCaughan from Rediscover Church Exeter.

Any questions about the initiative? Email the team.