Make a donation to South West Awake
We’re grateful to God for the opportunity to make possible His vision, come into reality.
Such initiatives (the Coastal Path Event and Beacons on the Beach events), involve many hours of team work across many churches in the country. It’s completely free to take part in South West Awake and our events, however If you would like to give towards the initiative to help with project and administrative costs, may we take this opportunity to say thank you!
Costs are occurred such as hosting this website, and other marketing initiatives. We’re very grateful to all those who can help us financially.
Here are ways you can give towards South West Awake:
Rediscover Church Exeter (Elim) are looking after the administration of the project including finances.
The Bank Account details are as follows (please label gifts as South West Awake)
Account Name:- EFGA RE EXETER
Sort Code:- 60-05-16
Account Number:- 18537510