Endorsements for South West Awake

Pete Greig - Founder of 24/7 Prayer Movement

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‘Such a brilliant initiative calling the South West of England to pray Thy Kingdom Come!’

Gavin Calver - CEO of the Evangelical Alliance

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‘South West Awake is a wonderful prayer and unity initiative. I am so excited about the impact for the Gospel as all 630 miles of the south west coast path are covered in prayer and praise. Do get involved, play your part, and together we could see something extraordinary begin in the South West’.

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Canon Sarah Yardley - Head of Evangelism, Emmaus Rd

‘I’m so looking forward to joining with brothers and sisters from across the region for South West Awake. I love the wild wonder of praying by the sea and can’t wait to join the ring of friends praying that day. We hope you can join us!’

Paul Friend - Director of South West Youth Ministries (SWYM)

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‘South West Awake is all about unity – the church standing up in all it’s beautiful diversity but united in praying for God to move again in our land and in our region especially. As SWYM this is exactly what we want to see – Christ’s church uniting to pray and then to join in with God’s mission. It’s going to be brilliant.’

Dave Plowman - Director UK/Europe of Luis Palau Association

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‘This is awesome! We are so excited by what God is doing across the South West. We know that every move of God is preceded with increased passion, desire and targeted prayer and worship. We are praying for many people to meet Jesus in the South West through this event.” This event is part of bringing unity, transformation and the Gospel to the South West and we love it!’

Andy Frost

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‘In the Bible, the people of God do some strange things. South West Awake may seem strange… calling 1000s of Christians to stand around the coastline praying simultaneously. But, as we see in Scripture, these strange acts are both symbolic and prophetic. This call to prayer will, I believe, be profoundly significant.’

Hannah Richards - Chair of Christians Together across Exeter

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‘We know the power when God's people come together and lift their eyes to His bigger picture; so what better way to build unity across the South West amongst our churches and congregations than by gathering together for prayer and praise along our beautiful coastline!’

Roger Wyatt - Pastor of the Harbour Church, Falmouth


‘The Harbour Church is really excited to get behind this prayer initiative. We are currently going through a 9 month prayer focus of our own (leading up to our 10th birthday as a church) and it feels like God is stirring the people of the South West to pray for our amazing region. South West Awake is an incredible opportunity to unite with other churches, organisations and individuals to ask God to bring about his purposes here!’

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Sarah Whittleston - Head of Prayer for Elim

‘It is so good when followers of Jesus stand together in prayer. South West Awake is an adventure of faith you want to be part of. Joining together in unity, along the coastline, asking God to move afresh. I commend this audacious prayer initiative to you!’

Dave Vinall - Leader of Exeter Vineyard Church

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‘A wonderful opportunity for Christians to join together in prayer as we connect with the physical landscape where God has called us to co-mission together and with Him.’

Luke Mansfield - Pastor of Hope Baptist Church, Plymouth

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‘There is something special when the people of God join together to pray. Southwest Awake is going to be a very significant event, not just for the region, but for the church of Jesus Christ as a whole. I firmly believe that this prayer initiative will act as a springboard to revival and a greater sense of unity among the church.’