South West Awake Coastal Path Event

Saturday 12th July 2025, 10.30am

We recommend you access this page on a computer/laptop as this will optimise the map for clear visibility

To take part in the day, follow these simple steps:

The map below is the 630 points of the South West Coast Path. Each point is spaced one mile apart from one another. To participate in the event you can either visit one of these sections of the Coast Path to be located OR you can choose a location which hasn’t already been plotted. These are what we are calling ‘high places’ and can be central landmarks, beauty spots or historic and significant locations.

If you choose to select a high place, please scroll down to the form at the bottom of this page, where you can tell us your ‘high place’ which can then be added to the map where you will be participating from.

What does the colour coding mean on the map below?

Yellow (means people have signed up here) and green (means that no one has signed up for this particular point at the moment).

2) To sign up - Zoom in so you can see the detail on the map, then click on one of the points where you would like to stand on the day. When you click on one of these points, on the left hand side a pop up box will appear within the window frame

3) This pop up box will reveal a number associated with that point (between 1-630). Make a note of this point number as you will need this to sign up using the form further on in this webpage

4) To formally sign up to South West Awake, please complete the questionnaire form at the bottom of this page

If you have any questions, or would like us to sign you up on the map for you, please email us.


(Please Zoom in to see the individual points on the map and number which corresponds to it)

STEP 2 - If you have selected a point from the map complete this form below:

IMPORTANT - alternatively, If you are informing us of a ‘high place’ where you will be located - please scroll down to the bottom of this page where you will find an alternative questionnaire to complete


If you are looking to participate in South West Awake from a ‘High Place’ please complete this form below only so we can update the map: